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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Key Traits of Authentic Military Leaders

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My mentors from the ‘45 generation are field leaders, combat force commanders, and military leaders. There are five things I learned from them that have shaped my personality.

First, Patriotism: Their love for the homeland never receded despite their age.

Second, Confidence: They exuded a strong sense of self-assurance in their leadership.

Third, Intellect: They were lifelong learners and very keen on expanding their knowledge beyond their domain.

Fourth, Good Sense of Humor: Their ability to connect emotionally with their juniors and men they lead through humor.

Fifth, Flexibility: They were not bound by rigid protocols, allowing them to adapt to different situations.

The attitude and leadership of a military leader are forged on the battlefield. As a young officer, I was fortunate to have received mentorship from many actors of the independence war and military operators in the early days of the Republic of Indonesia. The ‘45 generation, also known as the ‘generation of liberators’, played a crucial role in Indonesia’s fight for independence.

These individuals, including members of my own family, made great sacrifices to ensure the sovereignty and freedom of our nation. Growing up in a family of freedom fighters instilled in me a deep sense of appreciation for their dedication and commitment to Indonesia.

Interacting with key figures of the ‘45 generation further enriched my understanding of their values and principles. The lessons I learned from them, such as patriotism, confidence, intellect, sense of humor, and flexibility, have shaped my own leadership style and personality.

Their spirit of ’45, which aimed to elevate Indonesia into an independent, respectable, and just nation, continues to resonate with me. It is a reminder of the sacrifices made by the ‘generation of liberators’ and a source of inspiration for the generations that follow.

Through their stories and teachings, I have gained invaluable insights into what it means to be a true leader and patriot. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from these remarkable individuals and carry forward their legacy in my own journey as a military leader.

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