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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Istiqlal Grand Imam Emphasizes Importance of Free Nutritious Meal Policy Based on Prophet’s Teachings

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Prof. Dr. KH. Nasaruddin Umar, the Grand Imam of Istiqlal Mosque and Rector of the Quranic Sciences University Jakarta, has expressed his full support for President-elect Prabowo Subianto’s initiative to provide free nutritious meals for school children. Nasaruddin emphasized the significance of ensuring proper nutrition for children, citing its basis in Islamic teachings.

According to Nasaruddin, the provision of nutritious meals for young children in school is crucial and aligned with Islamic principles. He mentioned that there are numerous Hadiths emphasizing the importance of giving sufficient nutrition to children, especially during their brain development phase.

Nasaruddin noted that while such a policy should have been implemented earlier, he welcomes its introduction now, stating that it is never too late to start something beneficial. As the Grand Imam, he frequently highlights the importance of special attention to children, particularly in terms of nutrition.

Referring to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu Alaihi Wassalam, Nasaruddin stressed the Prophet’s emphasis on caring for children, making the free meal policy both Islamic and religious. He pointed out that the Prophet advocated for children’s education and discipline from a young age, emphasizing the need to prioritize children’s development in various aspects, including nutrition and education.

Moreover, Nasaruddin highlighted that the free nutritious meal policy could offer a solution for orphaned and neglected children who may lack access to adequate nutrition. He referenced a verse from the Quran calling for special attention to the welfare of orphans, indicating the importance of caring for vulnerable children in society.

Ultimately, Nasaruddin’s endorsement of the free nutritious meal policy underscores its alignment with Islamic values, emphasizing the well-being and comprehensive development of children.

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